body irregularities

existential crisis
2 min readApr 20, 2021

Continuing my last medium story, I’m going to go with a certain focus on this medium. I’ve discussed this before, it's about short body long legs, and vice versa. Everyone is unique, undebatable. Some have big forearms and big legs, some have longer legs, and others. I never tend to notice this kind of stuff until I was interested in how should I dress.

As I mentioned before, やまたく has the same height as me (our height is around 170ish), however, he is wider and he has longer legs. I tend to copy him on how I dress. Since I have shorter legs, wearing stuff how he wears it doesn’t feel the same. This kind of problem wears me down.

What comes to my mind is that IF ONLY I can dress as cool as him, I’d be more successful in my romance life. People would’ve praised me more. People would ask me where did I buy those stuff. Sadly, due to body irregularities, this thing happens with the word IF ONLY.

As I talked before, the effects of this kind of thinking create ungrateful person, like me. I can’t stand it. I’ve never found a person as cool that is fit to be my role model, once I found it, we share a significantly different aura.

-ec 200421



existential crisis

inspired by takuya yamanaka’s「他がままに生かされて」